Monday, December 26, 2005

Baby Girl

We had an ultrasound done on December 22nd and discovered our little bundle of joy is a girl! We are excited and can't wait to see what she looks like! Brad got white as a ghost when they told him he was going to have another girl! All he said was "I am going to be so broke!!" He has adjusted to the idea but says we will have 3 children now..I said....lets get through this one! After the visit Brad had to go back to work and when we dropped him off I said "The girls and I are going shopping!" He just shook his head and said " I am going to look for a second job!"

Makayla went to the Dr. visit with us and was amazed at the baby and heartbeat. She keeps trying to look at the baby through my belly button! She tells everyone Santa is bringing her a baby sister...It is hard to explain to her it will not be until May!

Now we have to come up with another girl name! We will work on that after Christmas and Makay;a's Birthday!


This picture was taken in amongst about 80 pictures trying to get her to smile for a Christmas card photo! She either wanted to act silly or not smile on purpose. We even tried it 2 different days!!

I finally went with 2 different pics that were "okay"!

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Martin Family

Makayla was born December 27th 2002, Her little sister is due May 20th 2006!!