Makayla had her recital pics last weeks. The day was hectic as usual on Wednesdays. I pick her up at 11:30 from pre school in Brookhaven, then turn around and have to go back to Brookhaven (15 min trip) for Dance at 3:00. Well with dance pics we had to start getting ready at 2:00; mainly because I knew Mallory always throws in a few unexpected events! haha
YES This is Mascara! I thought it got awfully quiet for a few minutes, and mallory was nowhere in sight! Then she came walking into the bathroom like this saying "momma i pretty"...haha...after i grabbed the camera and took a few scrapbooking shots..i got the makeup remover out...yes it all came off! ha
Makayla with her light makeup on...she LOVES getting all dressed up!
All lined up and ready for the group shot!
After the pics were done and we were on our way home..Makayla says "Mommy guess what daddy did to my dress? He got gum on it!" Somehow in the course of getting in the car, she got gum which got all over her dress somehow....After I went a little balistic on her and called granny asking how to get gum off sequins and Makayla had received her punishment for getting the gum without permission, lying about her daddy doing it, and getting the gum on her outfit (yes it was not fun at our house) Nana came to the resucue the next day and saved the outfit (I think with goo gum)....but no picture day is no fun at the Martin's...but aint she cute!!!
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